

My Internet Problem
My Internet Problem from Adrian Sanders Read more – ‘My Internet Problem’.
Stephanie Diamond at Scope, NY
Art fair week snuck up on us, and Halfslant will be there taking it all in, one overwhelming fair at time. One of our favorites has always been Scope, so we were thrilled the learn that creator of NYC’s invaluable artists resource Stephanie Diamond would be participating.  Here are all the details about the show, […] Read more – ‘Stephanie Diamond at Scope, NY’.
Halfslant hits New York City!
Thank you for a wonderful 2010! Halfslant wishes you all the best in the New Year and a very happy holiday season! Read more – ‘Halfslant hits New York City!’.
The Fine Art Adoption Network: Halfslant wants to marry you.
This is the kind of thing that makes us not hate the art world and believe in the possibility of world peace for a minute. via NYFA Last year, Class 808 at M.S. 131 in Manhattan’s Chinatown wrote to artist Audra Wolowiec asking if they might “adopt” her uneditioned multiple, pocket cloud, a square of […] Read more – ‘The Fine Art Adoption Network: Halfslant wants to marry you.’.
Notes from the World Expo- Shanghai
Most of the people we encountered in Shanghai strongly discouraged us from going to the World Expo, going so far as to say that it was a horrible waste of time and money. Ok, so they weren’t entirely wrong, but we went with some pretty specific questions in mind; high on that list was: how are cultural highlights of a nation, within the confines of a temporary architectural space, presented? I can honestly say, I wasn’t blown away by anything but the world expo machine itself – millions of people mostly from all over China who stood in lines to see what the world had to offer them. Read more – ‘Notes from the World Expo- Shanghai’.
From CHIC to CHINA (in less then 48 hours…)
Immediately following the breakdown of The Commercial Center in Paris at the end of last month, Halfslant hit the road for three weeks in CHINA. In our next few posts we will share with you some of our initial impressions and revelatory experiences from The Shanghai Biennale, The World Expo, as well as take a look at ceramics from the Shanghai Art Museum, the wonderful Suzhou Museum by architect Ieoh Ming Pei, an actually conceptual concept store in Guangzhou, the ancient Hakka earth buildings in Fujian province and ruminations on the cultural vacuum of Hong Kong. Read more – ‘From CHIC to CHINA (in less then 48 hours…)’.
Halfslant at CHIC Art Fair: Monumental Projects
Part II, again this is for those of you who couldn’t make it to our Commercial Center Sans Commerce show at the inaugural CHIC Art Fair. We’ve put together more descriptions and photos, but this time we’ve focused on the monumental projects found at the Commercial Center. Enjoy! Girardo DiCrola’s (Galerie Ma Collection) “ART (1975-2010)” stood […] Read more – ‘Halfslant at CHIC Art Fair: Monumental Projects’.
Halfslant at CHIC Art Fair: Interactive projects
Just over one week ago we closed the Commercial Center Sans Commerce at CHIC Art Fair, after being open for five wonderful, busy days. The opening and closing parties were huge successes, and Halfslant feels so honored to have collaborated with the CHIC directors, Cécile Greismar and Sandrine Bonsignon, their wonderful staff, and the fifteen […] Read more – ‘Halfslant at CHIC Art Fair: Interactive projects’.
CHIC Photos: Marine Fau
CHIC Photographer Marine Fau's take on the Commercial Center Sans Commerce. Read more – ‘CHIC Photos: Marine Fau’.
CHIC Photos : Gilles Vidal
Photos of the Commercial Center Sans Commerce from the vernissage by CHIC photographer Gilles Vidal. Read more – ‘CHIC Photos : Gilles Vidal’.
CHIC update NEWS
Hear what people are saying about Halfslant and CHIC Art Fair. Our project mentioned as one of the "unmissable" events by Figaro.fr MADAME,/ Notre projet dans la liste des evenements Immanqueables de la FIAC sur Figaro.fr MADAME Read more – ‘CHIC update NEWS’.
The Commercial Center Sans Commerce
The Commercial Center Sans Commerce : Before the Shops, the Dreamers Halfslant in collaboration with CHIC ART FAIR, Paris will take over the ground floor or the Cite de la Mode et du Design with a two part project of creating a utopian commercial center. Artists selected from participating CHIC galleries as well as actors,designers, […] Read more – ‘The Commercial Center Sans Commerce’.
Interactive Monet website is a good start…
The Journey through Monet's works at the Grand Palais on their website is a joyous step in this direction, animating and engaging the viewer both physically and visually, in a way that the hustle and bustle of an exhibition space cannot. That said, all this technical potential falls short and relies on quite simple tricks and riddles to move through the journey , rather than taking the opportunity to teach us something about Monet. Read more – ‘Interactive Monet website is a good start…’.