
Bush Garden Lightbox

Bush Garden Lightbox, Brooklyn, USA  May 2009
The Bush Garden Lightbox was conceived as a truly immersive experience. Against the intense skyline of Brooklyn, Halfslant  and artist Tara Hughes used three key found materials – an old spinnaker sail, three dozen animal x-rays and six spools of hot pink shoelace thread – to reimagine the roof top.
The installation encouraged and forced viewers to look up, out and through the space. X-rays, in motion with the winds, interacted with Brooklyn and the environment. The intense elemental nature of a roof top installation added an additional layer, where sunset, violent winds and downpours all drastically altered the aesthetic.

The installation was created in collaboration with artist Tara Hughes.
Special Thanks: Nicole Wasilewicz, Anne Landsberger, Kyra Simone, Anderson Duff, Jordan, Piotr the sailor, Alpine Animal Hospital, and Corvallis Veterinary Clinic.